Greta Documentary “I Am Greta” by Nathan Grossman
The Swedish Greta, the young notable teenage climate activist came out with a documentary“I Am Greta” by the writer and director Nathan Grossman. The film is following Greta’s remarkable campaign and showing Thunberg’s pre-famous self as an ordinary ninth-grade high schooler. It is capturing the beginning of her movement. Thunberg started her solo protests outside Sweden’s parliament in Stockholm on Aug. 20, 2018. Students around the world soon began following her lead and homemade climate strike placard. At this time in 2018, Grossman was at a place with his camera when Thunberg started her famous school strike protest in 2018. Back then, no one knew that she would stand as a leader in world climate change, and she would be having the main role.
The documentary aims to show Greta and portray her better than from her many speeches and interviews. Grossman believes the documentary is more intimate than the news coverage about the unusual teenager, who has taken on far more than she ever should have had to shoulder. Greta is diagnosed with Asperger and does not see it as a drawback of her life, when she gets interested in a topic, she ger lacer focused. Grossman continuously kept filming her over the course of the next years after her sitting outside the parliament in times she was invited to meetings with world leaders and asked to speak at international conferences where she despite the worldwide attention remained calm in the pressures. The films spend abundant of its running-time on Greta’s life behind the scenes, where she tries to cope with the stress by quietly dancing around her home. Her worried father tries to make sure she remembers to eat.
Even at the events of the significant and large conference, Grossman stays focused on his subject, watching Thunberg’s irritated and exhausted reactions as older politicians make pledges for incremental changes. The documentary shared some information about Greta’s dad and reduced about her mother, the singer Malena Ernman who represented Sweden in the Eurovision Song Contest in 2009. The rhythm of “I Am Greta” can get a little repetitive, after Thunberg’s campaign becomes a global phenomenon, her experiences in each new city follow the same pattern. She gets greeted with cheers by fans and followers, she gives an impassioned speech about the need for revolutionary thinking to save life on Earth as we know it, and then she gets so annoyed by the timidity of the grown-ups in the room that she either checks out entirely or hasa minor meltdown that distresses her dad
In September 2019, she traveled to New York to address a UN climate conference. Greta chosenot to fly and made her way there on a racing yacht, in a journey that lasted two weeks. Her well recognizes saying in the UN remains: “How dare you? I shouldn’t be up here. I should beback in school on the other side of the ocean, yet you all come to us young people for hope. How dare you?”
Who is Greta?
Greta grew up in Stockholm, in Sweden. Greta’s mother, Malena Ernman, is an opera singer and former Eurovision Song Contest participant. Her father Svante Thunberg is an actor and is a descendant of Svante Arrhenius, a scientist who came up with a model of the greenhouse effect. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1903. She is the elder of two girls and learned about climate change when she was eight, but that her parents were not climate activists. Greta has Asperger’s syndrome, a developmental disorder, and has described it as a gift and said being different is a “superpower”. In May 2018, aged 15, Greta won a climate change essay competition in a local newspaper. Three months later, in August, she started protesting in front ofthe Swedish parliament building, vowing to continue until the Swedish government met the carbon emissions target agreed by world leaders in Paris, in 2015.
Malin Lindholm
Communication & Brand Manager