Are you struggling with protecting your intellectual property rights without stifling creativity?

The Swedish American Chamber of Commerce’s new partner iDefendo provides a service that helps intellectual property-intensive businesses to prove the ownership of their content. Through their services iDefendo Vault and iDefendo Transfer, you can store and send files securely and with extensive logging.

“Our goal was to create a service that helps users prove what is true. Our Digital Witnesses do just that through blockchain technology. Ideas and intellectual property rights are arguably the most valuable assets of most modern companies.”

– Peter Jidesten, CEO, iDefendo

Being able to protect one’s intellectual property is one of the main reasons for using iDefendo’s services. But it is also used in order to increase business opportunities and have time for creativity.

“iDefendo works in the background so you can spend more time creating value and less time protecting” 

Peter Jidesten, CEO, iDefendo

As a partner to The Swedish American Chamber of Commerce in San Francisco & Silicon Valley iDefendo hopes to establish a presence in the dynamic Bay Area and to take part in the important SACC-SF/SV network. Welcome to the Swedish American Chamber of Commerce, we look forward to seeing more of your important technology!