Sofia Hallberg and Elise Ekman have just arrived from Sweden to join us as interns at SACC-SF/SV. We are grateful for the opportunity to work with them and are certain that we will learn a lot from each other during the upcoming months.
In order for you to get to know them a bit better they have introduced themselves below by answering some questions,

Field of study: Commerce//Business Administration
Home university: KEDGE Business School Bordeaux Campus//Jönköping International Business School
Who are you? Tell us a little about yourself! I walk through life with a smile upon my face where I always strive to do my very best and maximize my opportunities in life. Therefore, I often find myself in interesting meetings, cultures and situations where I try to learn from other’s perspectives and experiences. People often say that I am very optimistic, positive and happy and I would not disagree, I believe that you need to be positive to keep up the motivation, keep going and be more efficient. When it comes to what I do, I am a double degree student in an international exchange program between two schools in Sweden and France. Since the sea and the stable is my happy place, I spend a lot of my spear-time in nature.
Why San Francisco? San Francisco has an inspirational atmosphere where everything seems to be possible. San Francisco has a lot of different things to offer: Great business environment, problem-solving business solutions, culture, beautiful surroundings and diversity.
What’s your best life hack? Bring a French press if you are moving abroad, that way you can make sure you will get your daily 9-cups-of-coffee wherever you have coffee powder and heated water.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I want to be a part of helping nations stimulate their business life and create collaborations between nations by working with questions regarding trade. I am dreaming of doing this for countries, which are today dependent on other countries’ economic support, to help these nations with their own economic growth.
What’s the best way to start a day? I would say to go for a run, but I often find myself hitting the snooze button instead.
What is your favorite Fika? Coffee and a cinnamon bun, preferably outdoors with great company!
What is your favorite topic to talk about?People’s life stories and experiences – I love a great icebreaker! Do you have some fun facts to share?
Field of study: Master of Science in Finance
Home university: The School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg
Who are you? Tell us a little about yourself! I would describe myself as a positive and curious person who loves an adventure. I always want to challenge myself and try out new things, and aim to always face problems with a smile on my face and an attitude that nothing is impossible. I believe that this is one of the main reasons that I can now call San Francisco my new hometown. When I am not working or studying you will most likely find me with my computer planning an event, in the kitchen trying out some new recipe, or outdoors exploring the nature, preferably with my friends or family.
What’s the best way to start a day? In order to be as energized as possible throughout the day I know that the best way to start it is with a workout and steady breakfast, although I must say that a relaxed morning with coffee and a luxurious breakfast in the sun is hard to beat!
Tell us something about you that not many people know of. I always carry a small sewing kit together with a small first aid kit in my purse, and I think that most people would be surprised over how many times I have actually used it! If you ever get a blister from high heels, loose a button from your shirt or accidentally break your dress during an event, then I am the one you should talk to!
If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would that be? This is a hard one, probably breakfast or brunch, just to keep my options open. Although if that is considered to be cheating I would pick red curry with rise, that is my absolute favorite dish right now!
What is your favorite Fika? I think I will have to answer Hallonpannacottapaj on that one, partly because I enjoy presenting the name, but mostly because it is so delicious that I could eat the whole pie myself.
If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time? As my greatest hobbies are to travel, cook, arrange events and exercise I would spend my 8 extra hours on exploring the world, trying out a lot of new food, arrange events for my friends and family and spend as much time as possible in the nature.