The Swedish pediatrician, Kerstin Rosen at Kaiser Permanente in Santa Clara, created a prototype for a face shield a few weeks ago and then approached Apple about stepping in to help.
In a tweeted video on Sunday, Apple CEO Tim Cook said the tech giant would make a million face shields per week, which will provide an extra barrier between health care workers and the coronavirus, and ship them to hospitals around the U.S. and potentially beyond.
“I knocked on Apple’s door, we teamed up”, Kerstin Rosen wrote on a FB-update some hours later.
The first shipment of face shields from Apple has now been delivered to Kaiser Permanente in Santa Clara, where Rosen works a pediatrician.
“Apple is right next door to us at Kaiser Santa Clara, and we will take care of them,” said Kerstin Rosen to Mercury News.
Apple will continue to make millions of face shields and distribute them to hospitals in the U.S., scrambling to find protective gear for doctors and nurses.
Apple isn’t alone in building face shields. Maker Nexus, a Sunnyvale nonprofit, has rallied hundreds of volunteers to produce 1000 shields a day for the Santa Clara Valley Medical system and others.
Rosen had also reached out to the nonprofit early on, but few can match Apple’s speed or reach.
Kerstin Rosen is a member of SACC-SF/SV.
Please read more at The Mercury News.